It snowed yesterday and it was and still is so beautiful. I love the scenery but when it is all icy and gross my happiness goes down!:( I'm excited because when the snow falls like this it means SLEDING with my bffs . but besides sledding is CHRISTMAS i llllllooooovvvvveeeee Christmas. It is always so joyful and i'm always happy .I also love decorating. I go allll out when I decorate. My room is FILLED with Christmas stuff! I can't wait!! but the thing I HATE is it has to end :(:(then you return to school and every one is sad. By the way this picture is from my tree last year!
wowow i luv snow.....=)=)=)
and i know u like it when i write alot of stuff so yeah, i'm gonna write like threee paragrahps cause i'm soooo cool like that....snow snow snow....i luv snoww so much, except now its starting to melt so i hope it snows again sooon hahahahaha i luve u and make it a great day............or not.........the choice is YOURS ! !
MWAHMWAAHHAHAHHHHAHHHAHHHAHaaaaaaa!@!Q!!!!!!!!!!!#@@$E!@#$%@%^$%^hahahhhahha ( ps i'm noot swearing)
i can't find your slideshow!!!! P.S. i luv snow too! :) :)
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