This is my first entry! Right now i am watching ANTM! I love ANTM. I am tired of marjoie. all she does is wine and i'm tired of it! I'm a little disapointed about Sheena getting voted off last week but at least my fav are still there. right now they're seeing the go cees. and marjoie started to cry like a little baby because she didn't see any yet:(. sorry, i really dislike her(if you haven't caught on) Mckey is kind of scary looking. OMG analeigh just won the challenge! by the way I love this picture. so tell me your opinon!! GO ANALEIGH!
omg gorgeous pic!!!! she has f-ing long legssssss!!!!!!
Yea Analeigh is totaly my favorite! like ever since the first episode i have loved her. I'm soooooo mad that 2 episodes ago, Sheena got out, she was my second favorite. and OMG that one girl is 18!!!! i thought that she was atleast 21, it was really weird.
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