Sunday, November 30, 2008
hey! my thanksgiving break was fun but short!! Wednesday I chilled and made pies!!! turkey day(lol olive) I had it over my house it was fun..i guess. Friday i hung out with the most sexiest beast in the world olive. we decorated my room and after my mom and i put up the one of our trees(we have a train under it now!! how bad!) I watched the Notebook after and I cried like a baby!! Saturday I went over Kelly's and I couldn't get through the door because Jessie wouldn't stop hugging me!! we saw Four Christmases and it was sooo funny!! I slept over and went home Sunday at 5:00. I hope we have a snow day!! there is a winter snow warning in every county except Wayne! no joke! well if you haven't seen olive's blog my sn is assy2594 give me yours!!
Monday, November 17, 2008
I love....

It snowed yesterday and it was and still is so beautiful. I love the scenery but when it is all icy and gross my happiness goes down!:( I'm excited because when the snow falls like this it means SLEDING with my bffs . but besides sledding is CHRISTMAS i llllllooooovvvvveeeee Christmas. It is always so joyful and i'm always happy .I also love decorating. I go allll out when I decorate. My room is FILLED with Christmas stuff! I can't wait!! but the thing I HATE is it has to end :(:(then you return to school and every one is sad. By the way this picture is from my tree last year!
Friday, November 14, 2008
three way call
sorry I haven't posted any thing in like a year. So yesterday megan, olivia and I figured out how to make a three way call!!!how bad right! megan figured it out by pressing the "conference" button on her phone(blond moment). Anyway it was excited for me. so now we can do three way calling in instead of calling each other at one time.unless I want to talk bad about someone, like OMG olivia was such a betch yesteday!(jk) I know, right now your like neeeeeeeeeerd!!!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

This is my first entry! Right now i am watching ANTM! I love ANTM. I am tired of marjoie. all she does is wine and i'm tired of it! I'm a little disapointed about Sheena getting voted off last week but at least my fav are still there. right now they're seeing the go cees. and marjoie started to cry like a little baby because she didn't see any yet:(. sorry, i really dislike her(if you haven't caught on) Mckey is kind of scary looking. OMG analeigh just won the challenge! by the way I love this picture. so tell me your opinon!! GO ANALEIGH!
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