Thursday, January 8, 2009


OMG! you have to read this e-mail I got from this unknown person!!CREEEEEPY!!!!

Shannon commented on your status: "Hey there my name is Shannon.. i was looking over your profile and i think your really sexy.. i would love to chat ang get to know you better drop me an email and we can chat my email address is "

HaHaHaHa! I don't even have a Profile! and ummmm..............................i'm a girl a stright girl for that matter. so tell me what you think!


Word And Reason said...

I received seven emails from "Shannon" in two days! Two for weight loss and five for viagara.
Apparently "Shannon" doesn't like fat guys that can't get erections.
I also received some emails from her friend "Sandra." She too thinks guys should not be fat and...ummm...non-functioning shall we say? Anyway, I thought it was pretty funny when I googled the addresses and came across your blog. I was actually thinking of blogging about it too. Maybe yet. I'll see.

fraseratlarge said...

yep.. i just recieved one from her... very creepy did the same as tony and googled the email address and ended up here!!!

Unknown said...

Came across this email myself just a few moments ago and googled the email address to find myself here. Those Ad spammers are relentless.

KELLY said...

A bunch of creepers are posting on your blog!!!!!!

Unknown said...

?!?! I do also have received an email from this really strange girl/bot. I really don`t know what the reason is and how my emailadres is known by him/she/it. Do these people really think that i am going to reply and buy soem viagra or something?!
greetz from Amsterdam

Raul Eduardo said...

I've just got the same email fron her sister, i guess:
"Hey there

i was just reading your profile and i was wondering if maybe you would like to chat

Email me back ill be up all night :)
My email is"


t. said...
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t. said...

Google brought me here to :) .
In this past few days, I received 9! e-mails from Sandra (subject was: Sandra send you a message on Facebook) in which were offers for Viagra (LOL, I'm woman) or loosing weigt (Do I look fat to you, bitch!?). Joe and Sally also offered me either Viagra or something to loose my ugly fat, and Nikki dared to commented my status on Facebook (I am a member), suggesting to look at her pictures of loosing 21LBS in 2 weeks (congrats, btw!).
And Julie wants to chat with me too.

Unknown said...

I received the same comment. This person is ridiculous. Thanks for posting your comments. Ugh!

Anonymous said...

hahaha ! I thought that there was going to be no way to prove it . My wife thought that I had a profile and that I was trying to look for women online and when I told her there was no way I would do that she didnt believe me . Well thank God you posted this because now I can show her this blog and let her know that I am not the only one who is getting spammed by digitally fabricated woman. Curse you Shannon and Jodi! Youre going down!

Unknown said...

I can't decide which is funnier, these stupid emails from Shannon or Jose's comment about digitally fabricated women!

I got one on 1/12/09 and liek the others ended up here via google. Guess is getting less hits than this blog!

chickee93 said...

My boyfriend received this same message in his e-mail account. I told him to look her up and go for it, but not to get too excited that it was more than likely a spam e-mail. He told me to research it. I googled the address and ended up here like everyone else. I looked at the e-mail once again and discovered that the "TO:" e-mail address was to a, which is not my boyfriend. How in the world did it end up in my boyfriend's account? This is too funny! =)

Word And Reason said...

I've posted a blog about this I thought you might find interesting.

Felix said...

Oh yes very sexual ... GOOD